Dolphin assisted birth
Dolphin assisted birth

dolphin assisted birth

Experts point out that dolphins are predators and can become aggressive, though dolphin-related injuries among people are relatively rare, Medical Daily reported. In the event that a ?dolphin-assisted? birth cannot occur, the couple has made plans to deliver with a midwife. However, the APA noted that few studies have been done examining the risks associated with water births. When the time comes, they will have a so-called dolphin-assisted birth a completely whacked idea that experts say is wrong on a number of levels. Water births ? without the presence of dolphins ?have proven benefits, including more efficient contractions, improved blood circulation for the mother, less pain and more oxygen for the baby, according to the American Pregnancy Association (APA). The dolphins’ sonar heals and balances mama’s and baby’s cells, DNA, spirit and soul. However, scientists claim there is little scientific evidence indicating that DAT is therapeutically effective. Dolphin-Assisted Birth: In a dolphin-assisted birth pregnant mothers experience an abundance of joyous and peaceful prenatal and early labor contact with the wild Hawaiian Spinner dolphins. During DAT, patients swim and play with dolphins living in captivity while completing tasks meant to improve skills like hand-eye coordination. While dolphin-assisted births are rare, dolphin assisted therapy (DAT) has been used for more than 25 years in patients with mental and physical disabilities and autism, according to Medical Daily.

dolphin assisted birth

The Sirius Institute claims that giving birth with dolphins is part of an ancient native Hawaiian practice. The Sirius Institute describes itself as a "a research consortium with the purpose of 'dolphinizing' the planet." They recently set up the Dolphin Attended, Water, Natural and Gentle Birth Center (DAWN), due to what they claim is an increasing demand on their web site for people looking to give birth near dolphins.

Dolphin assisted birth series#

Heather Barrington, 27, and her husband Adam, 29, of South Carolina, are preparing for the July arrival of their first child through a series of prenatal and postnatal swims with a pod of dolphins at The Sirius Institute in Pohoa, Hawaii. A pregnant woman and her husband have traveled to Hawaii where they plan on having a ?dolphin-assisted birth,? a water delivery among dolphins, according to Medical Daily.

Dolphin assisted birth