Example The students are going to perform today at Times Square.Most of the students performed well in Mathematics. Some of the antonyms are unsettle, destroy, and hesitate.

Antonyms Some of the antonyms are neglect and omit. Some of the synonyms are assign, allot, doom, and preordain. Synonyms Some of the synonyms are carry out, execute, and accomplish. Preform is used as a verb in the sentence. Part of Speech Though Perform is used as a verb in a sentence, its adjective Performable is also used extensively. The word Preform is used when one wants to indicate something that is already being formed (the use of pre to signify beforehand). Use The word Perform is used when someone is showcasing a skill or completing or carrying out an action. The word Preform has two syllables pre and form and they are pronounced the same way. Syllables The word Perform has two syllables per and form and it is pronounced as per-fawrm. The word Preform originally came from the Latin word praefōrmāre and its use became popular during the 1600s (approximately). History The word Perform originally came from the Anglo-Norman performer, perfourmer, and alternation of the Old French parfornir. The word Preform means to give a form or shape to something beforehand. Comparison Table Between Perform and Preform Parameters of Comparison Perform Preform Definition The word Perform means to carry out an act that is demanded by someone or to accomplish something. For example, Sanjay preformed his emotional thoughts before the jury. But, the word also refers to shaping up the emotional capabilities. The word Preform is also used as a verb in the sentence and it refers to any shape that is given to an object beforehand. Example: Radha performed the rituals with true devotion. It also means doing or executing some work. The simple past and past participle tense of the word is performed and the present participle form is performing. Let us be your innovator.The word Perform is used as a verb in the sentence. Whether you're looking for a new material, a better way to fabricate your part, or a totally new construction, we're here to help you. Our engineering staff has designed and fabricated some of our own equipment so that our processes run as efficiently as possible.Our team has years of experience with a vast number of materials from super-soft foams to solid metals.State-of-the-art presses let us precisely control tolerances giving you a premium finished product and unmatched versatility in part configuration.

Our in-house die-making capabilities allow us to be versatile and offer complete control over our quality standards.Modern production facilities in Twinsburg, OH, we are located to serve you.Some of the ways we can help make your life easier: Preforms success has come from helping our customers increase productivity through the use of kits, pre-fabricated parts, or new and innovative materials. We felt that most suppliers weren't listening to their customers. Preform Sealants was founded in 1972 in order to fill a void in our industry. Just give us a call or send us an e-mail and let us know how we can help you. Whether you need a quick quote on a current product or a complete, in-depth analysis of what we can do for you, we are here for you. We specialize in high-speed, automated, die cutting as well as many other services. Preform Sealants offers high-quality products at competitive prices and we work very hard to make your life easier. Please take a minute to look around to see what we can do for you.