Including the accompanying title page and frontispiece, there are a total of 124 records (490 performances). Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples pac-peace: Latin: pax, pacis: appease, Pacific, pacifism, pacifist, pacify pach-thick. His access to patronage, too, was gained through privy Seal connections.

There are always four scenes of one plate printed on one sheet. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English privy1 /prvi/ adjective 1 be privy to something 2 old use secret and private privily adverb Examples from the Corpus privy It is a soiled and puckered hem, the golden treasurys privy purse.
#Privatus latin series
This print is part of a series of prints depicting the saints and the Christian holidays of the year. O Noun Translations private citizen Meta information O-Declension masculine Forms Example Sentences minum milibus captis perterriti Bituriges qui primum adventum potuerant effugere Romanorum, in finitimas civitates aut privatis hospitiis confisi aut societate consiliorum confugerant.

Sheet with four oval representations, each with inscription and date in Latin: at the top left the Saint Philibertus of Jumièges that calms down a storm at sea, at the top right the Saint Privatus of Gévaudan who is beaten to death by three men, at the bottom left the Saint Symphorianus of Autun who is carried away by some men, at the bottom right saint Philip Benitius in habit and with book and cross. private in Latin - English-Latin Dictionary Glosbe private adjective noun Belonging to, concerning, or accessible only to an individual person or a specific group.